..| HoMe |..

..| DoWnLoAd |..

..| HeLpCeNtEr |..

..| BuG GaLlErY |..

..| CoNtAcT |..

Here can you learn how to control the BiTBuG

clean bug

filled bug

A clean bug

A clean bug

- Main functions

The left mouse button on the BiTBuG allows you to drag an drop it to any place on your desktop

Double click with left mouse button on the BiTBuG allows you to minimize it to taskbar

With the right mouse button on the BiTBuG you can open the icon menu

Holding down the ctrl key while pressing the right mouse button on the BiTBuG opens the context menu

- Context menu

KiLl ThE BuG - Closes the application

CoNfIgUrE ThE BuG - Opens the configuration window

AbOuT ThE BuG - Opens the homepage of the BiTBuG

OpEn ThE BuG HeLpCeNtEr - Opens this page

GeT ThE BuG OvErLaYeR - Opens the gallery

- Icon menu

You can drag a file or application from your computer an drop it on any icon in the icon menu, already assigned icons will be overwritten

With the left mouse button you can start the file or application

Holding down the ctrl key while pressing the left mouse button allows you to drop the file or application on another icon

Clicking on an empty icon allows you to choose a file or application from your computer

Using the right mouse button you can remove a file or application from an assigned icon

Administration : Stefan Bugajczyk | support@bitbug.bugajczyk.com

BiTBuG Corporation © 2024. All rights reserved.